Motivational and Leadership Books by Elizabeth
Elizabeth’s Personal and Professional Development Book: The P.I.L.O.T. Method -Five Elemental Truths to Leading Yourself in Life

$19.95 retail Elizabeth shares the stories from flight school, missions while in the military and the inspiring experiences that she is known for as a sought after speaker.
PILOT stands for:
P Potential- we all have it, what are you believing about yourself?
I Implementation- How do you put it into practice?
L Leadership- Elizabeth expands on her 3 Pillars of Leadership
O Optimize your Life! How do you live life to the fullest? It’s not about peak performance because when there is a Peak— there is a Valley! It’s about OPTIMAL Performance on a consistent basis!
T Tenacity- How do you keep it going when things get difficult. Discover your innermost CAN DO!!!
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1 Book $19.95 plus shipping
10 Books $14.95 plus shipping
50 Books $12.95 plus shipping
100+ Books $10.00 plus shipping
Larger quantities may be quoted and are available upon request.
Soar 2 Success Business Tip Books:
Soar 2 Success with Email Marketing: 55 Tips to Drastic Online Results for your Business
Soar 2 Success On LinkedIn: 50 High Performing Tips to ENHANCE Your LinkedIn Profile
Soar 2 Success in Sales and Marketing: 78 Tips to DRASTIC Results
Soar 2 Success in Twitter (COMING SOON)
Soar 2 Success In Digital Strategy: 67 Tips to Ignite Your Online Empire
Soar 2 Success As a Public Speaker: 60 Tips to Sharing Your Message
Soar 2 Success By Creating A Healthy Organizational Culture: 54 Tips to Add Value Where You Work
Soar 2 Success With Customer Care: 53 Tips to Giving Customers a Memorable Experience
Bookability Factor – 67 Tips to get You Booked and Paid as a Keynote Speaker
Choose one or more of Elizabeth McCormick’s many book titles available by clicking on the book title above. Contact for complete set pricing.
1 Book $12.97 plus shipping
10 Books $9.95 plus shipping
50 Books $7.95 plus shipping
100+ Books $5.00 plus shipping
Larger quantities may be quoted and are available upon request. Contact for complete set pricing.