Full Day? Half Day? Any “keynote” speech longer than 3 hours moves into a workshop format with interaction to the client. Bring Elizabeth McCormick into your event and she will teach your audience how to FLY through the P.I.L.O.T. Method derived from her best-selling book by the same name. Highly interactive, immersive, and customized for your objectives.
What clients are saying:
“I still reference you and your P.I.L.O.T. method. Love it!”
Barry Jager
Associate Superintendent, Human Resources and Employee Relations
Here’s the 30,000 foot view:
P- Potential- How can you better develop your leadership potential and the potential of those who work for you? The number one factor undermining leadership is a lack of self- belief. This portion of the workshop will teach 3 confidence-boosting strategies that can be immediately implemented into your teams with an out of your seat activity that can be utilized as an ice-breaker, networking- get to know you opener.
I- Implementation- You are defined by what they can accomplish. Be more effective and shift into higher performance. Learn techniques to improve focus and elevate prioritization and get more done including an exercise of task management.
L- Leadership- SIMPLIFY your Leadership style –through a deep dive and interactive teaching of the 3 pillars of Leadership: Communicate, Aviate (Taking Action), and Navigate (Vision)
In a half day workshop within this Communicate module Elizabeth will teach about the communication styles by asking two simple questions.
In a full day workshop within this Communicate module you can ADD-ON DISC* communication assessment as a fun scratch-off (yes like a lottery ticket) facilitated by Elizabeth right on site in the workshop.
*additional fee per person applies
O- Optimize your Performance –– higher energy, higher focus does not come naturally, leave with the skills to perform higher and inspire those on your team to rise with you.
T- Tenacity- What does it take to push through and be resilient in the face of change, and inspire others to higher level of success.